A Message From the Principal 

Welcome to Mackillop College. Few decisions in life hold the same significance and importance as choosing the right school for your sons and daughters. It is a decision that will not only shape their formative years, but also the men and women they will become. Thank you for choosing MacKillop College. MacKillop is a community. A community centred on the values and lived example of Jesus Christ, and one where we place great importance on the partnership between parents, students and staff.

As MacKillop parents you are encouraged to take an active role in your child’s education and to be a part of the College community. In an ever-changing and fast-paced world the school, like home, provides a sense of belonging. This is a really important element of what we do at MacKillop College. Every action and activity is based on respectful, positive relationships. Equally, we want students to discover and nurture their passion and interests and develop the skills necessary to realise their potential and to contribute to their wider community.

We want to give students the skills to be life-long learners. The students are at the heart of everything we do at MacKillop College. We trust that the lessons of their school days, and the opportunity to thrive as young men and women, afforded to them for having been part of our school community will ensure their happiness and success well beyond their teenage years.

God Bless

Cath Eichmann

Our Leadership Team

Cath Eichmann

Stephen Roberts
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care 

Adam Kelly
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching

Peter Murphy
Assistant Principal - Mission

Jodie Rich
Leader of Catechesis

Marg Gobius
Leader of Evangelisation

Andrew Evans
Leader of Administration and Support Staff

Michael Peck
Leader of Curriculum

Lisa Kable
Leader of Pastoral Care Social & Emotional Support

Warren Lorger 
Leader of Pastoral Care Behaviour Support 